
Amperage invests, along with broadband service providers, to increase capacity to build out networks and to provide services to ensure maximum long-term value

Provide capital to grant recipients using a combination of debt and equity

Target investments in rural broadband infrastructure

Utilize insights driven by deep telecommunications experiences and successes

Execute an efficient investment process and transparent approach to negotiation

Fulfill and ensure compliance with grant regulations

Utilize our balance sheet to maximize returns from government grant programs

Focus on value creation and realization of long-term revenue streams

There is an unprecedented wave of massive government grant funding for Broadband infrastructure programs

Operators are actively pursuing grant funding, yet success hinges on effectively aligning capital resources with specialized expertise.

Amperage Match


Small companies (<$10m revenue) have the opportunity to attract $50M to $100M grants

25% Match

Small companies (<$10m revenue) will be required to provide at least 25% additional match capital to be awarded the grant. A majority of the small companies in the US do not have this capital.

Financial Partners

Amperage will provide the necessary match capital through its investors and financial institutions. Amperage will invest directly into the service entities, as well as facilitate the necessary financing, to complete and operate an advanced broadband network in the community.

Attractive facets of grant programs

As solo provider fiber markets, even at mid level penetration, these can be highly profitable P&Ls

Grant dollars when awarded generally flow across five to ten years as monthly revenue payments

Upon completion of milestones, grant recipients keep all  assets without any payback

Can begin to generate fiber broadband revenues as soon as first wave of premises are connected